Remembering a Teacher

Sr. James Marie, at the age of 22, was assigned to Donovan Memorial School in 1940. Over the next 20 years, Sister continued to serve as music teacher, classroom teacher and Principal. The seeds she planted left her mark on the school and St. Malachy Parish for...

A Teacher Remembers

In the fall of 1976, Bob Robertson, a 22 year-old graduate of Millikin University was hired to teach 8th grade and coach at St. Malachy School. Bob shared his thoughts and memories, and identified changes he witnessed over the 38 years of his career. Among his first...

An Invitation

In 2012, Henry J Smith Trustees voted to fund six additional Smart Boards to the three already in use in the school. On January 26, 2014, Henry Smith Trustees were invited to come and see smart boards in action at St. Malachy School. Time did not permit a visit to...