About the Trust

On January 22, 1996, less than one month after the passing of St. Malachy parishioner Henry J. Smith, a meeting was held at the home of Richard and Carolyn Taylor, of Dewey, Illinois. In attendance were Father Stanley J. Malinowski, Kathleen Finney, Richard Humphrey, Joseph Murray, Thomas Iorio and Carolyn Taylor.
Father Malinowski reported that Henry J. Smith, who had died on December 29, 1995, had given him Government Bonds to be redeemed with the income to be used to begin a Trust for St. Malachy School.
The Henry J. Smith Charitable Trust for St. Malachy School was created exclusively for the support of educational programs including religious, scientific, literary, and computer, along with capital improvements and teachers’ salaries.
At the meeting Father Malinowski appointed Kathleen Finney, Richard Humphrey and Joseph Murray to serve as Trustees. He asked Thomas Iorio to report on financial investments to the Trust and asked Carolyn Taylor to serve as Secretary-Treasurer. After the passing of Father Malinowski in 2012, Richard Humphrey was elected as chairperson for the Trust.
The Henry J. Smith Charitable Trust for St. Malachy School is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt trust organization as defined under section 509 (a)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, thereby making contributions tax deductible to the full extent allowable under the law.