Major Gifts 2008–2020

Anonymous – $25,000
A graduate of beloved Donovan Memorial School contributed to the trust to help support and continue the heritage of Catholic education in Rantoul.
Anonymous – $100,000
A graduate of St. Malachy School made the donation to the trust with a note stating, “The contribution is made with deep gratitude for an exceptional education and all it has made possible.”
Roseann Clifford Estate – $116,000
Roseann named the trust as beneficiary of a life insurance policy to show her appreciation for the school. She shared that tuition had been $100/family when all seven of her children were in grades 1-8, so she felt she should pay it forward for others to benefit. Four generations of the Clifford/Cleary family have attended St. Malachy, including her children and 6 grandchildren.
Mary M. Graham Estate – $660,000
Mary grew up on a farm outside of Ludlow. Although she did not attend Donovan Memorial, she often spoke of the years her brother, Maurice, went to school there and his long walks home. In her will, Mary named the trust as one of several Catholic schools and organizations, including the Dominican Sisters, who have served St. Malachy so beautifully over many decades. She was a strong believer in nourishing the Catholic faith.
Maurice E. Graham Estate – $447,000
Maurice was a long-time supporter of St. Malachy School. He was a major contributor to the school’s various expansions especially the Opening New Doors campaign. Maurice was a regular attendee at St. Malachy school sporting events over many years. Between Maurice and his sister, Mary, they contributed over $1.1 million dollars to the trust. Their support of Catholic education at all levels: grade school, high school, and college, will cultivate the faith for generations to come.
Gerald F. Klein – $100,000
Gerald graduated from Donovan Memorial in 1936. Gerald was one of thirty-one members of the Klein family to have went through Donovan or St. Malachy School at the time of his donation. When expressing his gratitude with the gift, he made special mention of the presence and service of the many Dominican Sisters throughout the school’s history.
William “Bill” Maier Estate – $50,000
Bill farmed his entire life until his retirement. He was a member of St. Elizabeth Catholic Church in Thomasboro. Although Bill did not attend Donovan School or St. Malachy, he understood and contributed to all the good which the school does for the community and faith.
Father Malinowski Estate – $200,000
The name “Father Mal” is almost universally known locally and continues to resonate across this great country through the countless students he led and mentored in his over 40 years at the parishes (St. Malachy and St. Elizabeth) and the school. Father Malinowski is the founder of the trust, and enough cannot be said about that. His vision and foresight truly blessed all of us and continues to do so.
Bill and Ann Shipp Estate – $50,000
Bill was an instructor at Chanute Air Force Base. Later in life, he studied and was ordained a Deacon by the Diocese of Peoria. As Deacon, Bill faithfully served the St. Malachy parishioners and worked and taught at St. Malachy School. Although Deacon Bill and his wife, Ann, eventually moved to Texas and then Nevada to be near family, their love and support of the school continues through their gift.
Robert White – $25,000
Bob was a 1955 graduate of Donovan Memorial School. He settled in California, but his affection for the school and the mentoring effect of the Dominican Sisters has kept him in touch. As she did with many students, Sister James Marie particularly made a significant impression on Bob. He and his family stayed in touch with her until her passing